If you have any stories or anecdotes about the Cooper branch of the HMC family, please forward them to Newsletter@hmcfamily.org for posting on the website.
If you have any stories or anecdotes about the Cooper branch of the HMC family, please forward them to Newsletter@hmcfamily.org for posting on the website.
I am interested in contact with any Cooper relations. I have talked to serval distant cousins from a different line of Coopers. I am from Issah Cooper line and have quite a bit of info on them. If you are interested please contact me.
My name is Tammy Jean Cox, I’ am the daughter of Gloria Jean Studdard. My mom has done genealogy for 30+yrs and after her passing last may I was going thru some of her stuff and came across a book by Don Rivara: The Cooper Family History. While flipping thru the pages I came across something that caught my eye: 1st the words Washington, then Lincoln county then the town of Peach. So I 1st got my moms family tree out and decided to find out who the coopers were and if they were related to me and how. As I turned to the 1st chapter in your book it said Isaiah Cooper and Elizabeth Montier and when I looked on my family tree I saw both of those names. They were quite a ways back but from what I have gathered they are a direct line of mine and I believe they were my great grandparents 8x. So I kept reading and pretty soon I came across there children and the next one on my family tree is Mary Cooper whom married Daniel Matheny and they had Charlotte Matheny whom is my great great great grandmother on my dad’s side. After I was all done with your book I found out that Mary had a brother named Enoch whom married his foster sister Esther Cowan and together they had a daughter named Mary Elizabeth Cooper Layson. Well she is buried in the Peach cemetery in Lincoln Washington, and that is the very place that I own recreational property and have been going to since 1996 to spend quality family time. I have on numerous occasions walked thru the cemetery and even taken pictures next to the very headstones of my distant relatives unknowingly. If my mother had never passed away I would probably still have never known this but her death has forced me to go thru and read certain things. It just is amazing that all this time in the tiny cemetery which I understand only 11 families settled is my relatives. I have always loved that cemetery and now I know why. I also found in my moms stuff a newsletter from 2002 and that is how I found out about this website. I was wondering if you could help me find a copy of the book Into the eye of the setting sun by Charlotte Matheny Kirkwood. I look forward to hearing from you and I hope you can help me out.
Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing back from you.
Tammy Jean Cox