Keeping the Past Up With the Future

As you know, we have been struggling for several years to move our communications into the 21st century.  We have been trying to establish a process by which everyone can share in capturing our family history.  We are asking you to now bring all of your histories, memories, information, questions, pictures, and anything else you can add to our cumulative documentation of where this family came from and how we got to where we are, to our HMC Family page on  If you don’t do Facebook, email it to and we will post it for you.

Remember to send your announcements of births, marriages, graduations, deaths, etc.  As always, please send stories of your ancestors and family members, anything that others will find helpful or interesting.  Or let us know if you have or are looking for information on our common past or genetics, or things like a recipe or an offspring of a favorite plant or fruit tree you remember from your childhood.

Finally, in this fast-paced age it has been very hard to find someone with the time to manage our website.  We are trying to split it up among more people.  John Carlisle in Nevada started and has been managing our Facebook page for several years.  He could use help authorizing family members to be able to access our Facebook page.  Barbara will attempt to keep the website going with the backup of her brother Bryan Kerr, who will extend the consultations he has already contributed to include her frequent calls for his expertise.  But we will need people to help with monitoring and postings, and writing on the website.

If you would like to join in this family effort, contact Barbara at

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