Married in 1846. [She was 13 and he 33.] She was the daughter of Daniel and Mary Cooper Matheny. His DLC lay on part of the old Jason Lee Mission in Mission Bottom, Marion County, 12 miles north of Salem. Across the Willamette River in Yamhill County was the DLC of her parents, where the Mathenys established the town of what became Wheatland and the Wheatland Ferry. A wharf constructed on the Willamette River by his land was called Garrison’s Landing. Mary and Joseph Garrison tried unsuccessfully to sell their DLC in 1861 just before the Great Flood that December that wiped out the towns of Wheatland and Champoeg. The Garrison’s farm on the bottom land was flooded. The flood came quickly and they retreated to the second floor of their home, where neighbors made their way to join them for refuge. They were rescued by friends with boats. The house stood until 1993.
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