Our reunion site chairperson has been busy!

Mike and Jim Layman making a point at the 2008 reunion.
“I have reserved Maud Williamson State Park, as usual, back to the covered eating area in the middle of the park. So we will be back to normal as far as that goes. I even have another reunion “Walling Reunion” that I am helping get started this year. It is also to take place in the covered area of Maude Williamson State Park on July 12th, 2009 at 1:00 pm.
I have discovered that I am related to a long time friend of mine and our families. She is descended from Gabrial Walling and his son Jesse Dutton Walling and his two sons Grant and John Walling. Grant married Nellie Kirkwood, a daughter of John Kirkwood and Charlotte Matheny Kirkwood. Although, our friend Mary Lozano is descended from John Walling. So I don’t really know what relation Mary and I are, I’m just guessing some type of cousins. I’ll figure it out someday. So if you know of anyone that would like to attend the Walling Reunion please let them know.” – Mike Layman