Maxime Liberty-Point
Maxime Liberty-Point recently graduated from the University of California at Santa Cruz as a film major. He hopes to be earn a position in post-production work. Until then, he is teaching tennis at the Courtside Tennis Club this summer in Los Gatos, CA, as well as doing some private coaching.
He was the number one tennis player on his team at UC Santa Cruz and carried his team to victory with his singles win when they competed this spring in the NCAA National Championships. The team also won the national championship when Max was a sophomore tennis player.
[Louisiana Matheny > Purilla Kirkwood > Laura Smith > Bernice Broderick > Jerry Marshall, Michelle Liberty > Maxime Liberty-Point.]
(Thanks to Jerry Mosgrove for this great news!)
Congratulations, Maxime, on behalf of your Hewitt-Matheny-Cooper family! We’re looking forward to hearing future news on your new career. Hope you will be able to make it to the Reunion.