2010 Reunion Minutes

Hewitt, Matheny, Cooper Family Reunion

Aug. 1, 2010

The Reunion took place at the shelter in the middle of Maude Williamson State Park.  Sixty-five or more adults were present.

Louis Rodge (William S. Cooper) gave a blessing before lunch.

After lunch, the meeting was called to order.  Most Council members were present, except for Bonny Payne, who was recovering from illness, and Dan Matheny.

A count of family descendents present showed

Hewitt’s: 55

Matheny’s: 12

Cooper’s: 8

The minutes of the last Reunion were summarized and approved.

Treasury:  Louis reported a total of $5,112.08.

Oral/video history: Mike Layman announced that Steve Davies was present to conduct oral interviews in the process of developing a DVD of oral history of early families in Oregon. Steve explained his project to the gathering and invited anyone present to come over to be interviewed and videotaped.

Service persons present are Trey and Shilah Bauer Starelli, serving in the National Guard.

Arnie and Sue Young (Charlotte Cooper) brought a piñata for the younger children, and they all had a good time trying to hit it blindfolded while the adults were in the business meeting.

Two Hewitt positions are open on the Council.  Bonny Payne will serve again, and Merrilee Johnson (James Andrew Hewitt) will join the Council to serve as co-President with Barbara.

Stories: Joanne made an appeal for current stories, but at this writing, none have been received.


Dorothy Coombs (Jasper Matheny) read a portion from the book “Oregon’s Great Natural Disasters” about the flood of December, 1861, which was 11 miles wide in some parts of the Willamette Valley, and almost destroyed the “city of Wheatland”, except for the buildings on the highest ground.

Henry Hewitt (Jasper Hewitt) read a section from the Jasper Matheny book, from a letter written by Libby, Jasper’s second wife, about their trip to Mexico to start a coffee plantation.

First time family members present were JaNiece Warren (Isaiah Hewitt) from West Valley City, Utah, and Dawn Matheny Acey (Daniel Matheny) and Kirk Acey from LaPine, OR.

Deceased is cousin Loren Kerr (James Andrew Hewitt), who passed away last Friday in Kentucky.

Oldest present was Lesta Kneebone (Jasper Matheny), 91 years old.  Eight other people present were over 75 years of age.

We estimated 12 children present under the age of 21.  Youngest child was Vittore Starelli, almost seven months old, son of Shilah and Trey Starelli.  Son, Santana, was also with them at the Reunion.

Persons who travelled furthest were Karen Weaver and her son, Frank Weaver, with Frank’s sons,  Aidan and Ashton, (James Andrew Hewitt) from Ennis, Texas.

Results from the Daniel Matheny Hewitt Challenge (two hops and a jump) were read.  Gary Clifford (Barbara Kerr’s husband) jumped longest at 16.4 feet.

David D. Shelburne (James Andrew Hewitt) played his guitar and sang a lovely rendition of “Leavin’ on a Jet Plane.”

Oral Auction: The approximately 10 items [including three knit children’s sweaters (two made and donated by Kathy Dentel McLaughlin (James Andrew Hewitt) and one by Elma Hewitt); Elma’s crocheted dish cloths; a travel mug, spa basket, and candle set donated by Arnie and Sue Young; and a summer outfit donated by Lesta Kneebone] in the oral auction raised a total of $101.

The Country Store raised a total of $90.00.

Sales of books raised $133.

Donations totaled $73.

Requests for next years’ auction and store, were “PEACHES”, ”GRAVENSTEIN APPLES”, “QUILTS”, “MARIONBERRIES”, and “FREEZER JAMS!”

The meeting was adjourned with thanks to all present, and a request to help Mike Layman and his family pack up all the gear that he brought (yet again) in his trailer to help make the Reunion go well.  Every year, Mike arrives very early, sets up tables, hangs signs, lays out tablecloths, puts up awnings, sets up a sound system, and countless other tasks, and we all owe him a great debt of gratitude.

Next Reunion date is:
Sunday, August 7, 2011.

Respectfully submitted,,
Joanne Shipley, Secretary

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