Getting There!

Mapquest and GPS

To use Map Quest or your GPS navigator to find the reunion this summer, enter Maud Williamson State Park, or the intersection of OR 221 and SE Lafayette Highway. OR 221 is also called Wallace Road NW or the Salem-Dayton Highway in that area. SE Lafayette Highway is also called Wheatland Road.


Our mailing list includes about 60 addresses from the Portland area, 90 from the rest of the Willamette Valley, over 70 from Washington, and nearly 90 from California. You’re bound to find someone who lives near you or on the way to the reunion.

If you will have an extra space in your vehicle even if it’s just one way, or want to share in the cost of gas in exchange for not having to drive, carpool. You may even find out you are related to one of your neighbors.

If you’ve never been to a reunion before, it would be a chance to get to know people even before you arrive. Interested? e-mail

To those of you from California who have not made it to the reunion before — remember the Society of California Pioneers’ slogan: “The cowards never started and the weak ones died by the way.”

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