Newsletter and Website Update, July 2009

PRINT MAIL: Been noticing anything different in the newsletters lately?  To make better use of our volunteers’ time, we are trying out having our postal newsletter printed and mailed by Duncan Business Services in Loveland, Colorado.  Vicki Duncan is our registrar Sylvia Fiscus’s stepdaughter and she has been in business for ten years.  The cost of hiring Vicki’s business is greatly offset by the fact that she can meet the US Postal Service’s regulations, including the fee, for us to mail bulk mail and by her access to all forwarding addresses registered with the Post Office so we are not paying for undeliverable newsletters.  Plus, as more family members choose to receive the newsletter via the website, our print mailing list of over 500 addresses will decrease as will the costs.

It took us some time to make this transition, but now that we have, the process will go much faster and can be done by family members around the country.  Nancy Matheny Nasim, in California, is our print newsletter production editor and webmaster.  Barbara sends her the articles from Oregon, she puts them on the website and lays out the print newsletter and sends it off to Vicki in Colorado – all electronically.

Nancy has been working non-stop to set up the systems for both media.

If you are not getting your copy of the newsletter, contact with your name and address, to make sure that we are up to date.

WEBSITE We are now the first entry when you Google!

Remember, with a website you can email us links to sites of interest to the family and public notices and articles about family members.  We can also include a lot more pictures.  And information can be posted immediately.

Nancy is setting up the website pages so that they can have individual editors.  Royse Kerr, in Texas, who created our original Hewitt-Matheny-Cooper website, will be managing the Hewitt Page.  Nancy has started the Matheny Page, and a Cooper editor is needed.  Anyone interested?

With the many ways we will now be able to share and learn about family and our heritage between members across the country, comes the challenge of protecting personal information.  The council has developed a privacy policy that is posted on the website.  It will be a developing document.  If you have questions or concerns, please email Barbara at

Finally, be sure to let us know if you want to receive the newsletter by postal mail, just email notices telling you when the website is updated, both, or neither (you can check the website without notices).

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