Archive for the ‘**Reunion Information**’ Category

Reunion 2016 – August 7

Saturday, August 6th, 2016

WHEN: Sunday, August 7, 2016, 9:00 AM [Always the first Sunday in August]

WHERE: Maud Williamson State Park (See below.)


  • Your table service and tablecloth
  • Your (non-alcoholic) beverages – coffee & water provided
  • Food for potluck
  • A donation for the auction and/or Country Store.


  • 9:00 AM Visiting; Photo Display; Photo Exchange; Children’s activities; Country Store; and more!
  • 12:00 PM: Daniel Matheny Hewitt Challenge
  • 12:30 PM: Lunch
  • 1:30 PM: Business meeting followed by Auction and Raffle.

CLEAN UP: Help pack up the family albums, play equipment, tables, etc. Ask a council person or Mike Layman, our Park Coordinator, what needs to be done.

DON’T FORGET to check the Lost & Found of past years.


To use internet driving direction systems such as MapQuest to find the reunion, enter Maud Williamson State Park, or the intersection of OR 221 (Wallace Road NW, or also called Salem-Dayton Highway) and OR 153 (Wheatland Road, or also called SE Lafayette Highway).


Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

Arnie Young’s family, William S. Cooper descendants, have brought a piñata for the kids each year since 2010 in recognition of Jasper and Elizabeth Matheny’s life on the plantation in Mexico. However, they will not be able to attend in 2016. We will look forward to seeing another of their especially beautiful pinatas at the Reunion in 2017.


Tuesday, July 26th, 2011

The good, old-fashioned Country Store is back again this year!  Please bring donations of your preserves or fresh bounty from your garden, plants, or seeds; hand crafts, books, cd’s, dvd’s, or any old or new items you think will be of interest to other family members.  Don’t forget to label each donation with a suggested price.   The Country Store will be open all during the Reunion.  So, also bring your “egg money” to spend on treats and treasures as you meet and mingle with the family members who made the treats or know the story behind the treasures.