Constitution and Bylaws
I. Name
The name of the organization shall be the Hewitt-Matheny-Cooper Family Association.
II. Purpose
The purpose of the Hewitt-Matheny-Cooper Family Association is to pass on the heritage of Henry and Elizabeth (Matheny) Hewitt, Daniel and Mary (Cooper) Matheny, Henry and Rachel (Cooper) Matheny, Isaiah and Elizabeth (Montier) Cooper and all of their descendants by means of a family newsletter, publications and an annual reunion.
III. Governing Body
A. The governing body shall be a six (6) member council.
1. Two members shall be elected each year at the annual reunion’s business meeting.
2. The term of office shall be three (3) years.
B. Each year, the council will elect council members to be the president, secretary, and treasurer.
C. The council’s duties shall be defined in the bylaws
IV. Monies
A. The Association shall be a nonprofit organization.
B. The Association’s activities shall be supported by donations from family members.
C. In case the Association ceases its operation, any monies remaining in its treasury shall be donated to the Yamhill County Historical Museum.
V. Archives
A. The archives of the Association shall be housed at the Yamhill County Historical Museum in Lafayette Oregon.
B. Each reunion the Albums shall be available at the reunion for updating by family members.
VI. Amendments
Amendments to this constitution can be made after notification in the family newsletter, and a two-thirds vote of those attending the annual business meeting.
I. Meetings
A. The annual business meeting shall be held at the reunion of the Hewitt-Matheny-Cooper Family Association.
B. Council meetings
- The time and place of council meetings shall determined by the council.
- The council shall meet at least twice a year
- The council meetings are open to anyone who would like to attend.
II. Reunion
A. The Hewitt-Matheny-Cooper Family Association reunion shall be the first Sunday in August.
B. The site for the reunion shall be selected by the council.
III. The Council
A. Council members shall be elected by a majority vote of those attending the annual business meeting.
B. Two council members shall be elected each year.
C. If a vacancy occurs, the council shall appoint someone to complete the term.
D. The council shall appoint chairpersons for the necessary committees needed to carry out the activities of the Association.
E. Each year, the council shall elect a President, Secretary, and Treasurer.
IV. Duties of the Officers
A. President shall:
- Preside at all council meetings and the annual business meetings.
- Be the spokesperson for the Association.
- Schedule council meetings as needed.
B. Secretary shall:
- Record and preserve the minutes of all business and council meetings.
2. Have the annual meeting and council meetings minutes published in the family Newsletter.
3. Write any correspondence necessary.
4. Send family members a reminder of the Association’s reunion before July first.
C. Treasurer shall:
- Keep a record of all money received and spent by the association.
2. Pay all approved bills submitted.
3. Publish a financial statement in the spring newsletter.
4. Keep the Association’s non-profit status current.
V. Committee Chairpersons to be appointed by Council
A. Newsletter Editor
1. Shall be in charge of getting the Newsletter published in November and April
2. Shall be appointed each year.
B. Archivist/publications
- Shall handle family publication sales.
- Shall be the keeper of family historical data.
C. Reunion Chairperson
- Reserve the site for the reunion
- Appoint person/persons to –
a. Prepare site for reunion
b. Hosts/greeters
c. Register those attending/nametags
d. Give blessing
e. Supervise the food arrangement
f. Plan a program
g. Plan activities/games/contests
h. Clean-up
D. Registrar shall be the keeper of addresses of the Association members.
VI. Changes to these Bylaws shall be made by written notice in the Newsletter prior to the annual reunion and a vote of the majority of those attending the business meeting.