Newsletter Information


Spread the Word – WE’RE  ON-LINE!

You can now check out out website, at any time.  If you want to be notified of updates,  just register on the website, and you will be updated as new articles and comments occur!

The newsletter will continue to be available by regular mail as well as on line.  To receive the email newsletter, go to the Subscribe! page and sign up.  Please let us know if you would like to discontinue receiving the newsletter by regular mail, it will save the cost of printing and postage.  If you are subscribed but not getting your copy, please contact with your name and address, to make sure that we are up to date. Newsletters that are returned without a forwarding address are automatically dropped from the mailing list.

Looking Forward to Getting to Know You!

There are so many on the mailing list who’ve never been able to come to the reunion. It would be nice if they would take time to write something about who they are. Here are some suggestions:

  • Where do you live?
  • Whom are you a descendent of; which of the 9 children of Henry Hewitt, Daniel Matheny, Henry Matheny, or which of Isaiah Cooper’s children? If you aren’t sure, give enough clues so we can tell you.
  • What is or was your occupation? Stories about what you do/did in your professional life (e.g. shipyards during WWII, military service in Viet Nam, etc.)
  • What are your hobbies, recreational activities, etc.?

If you don’t like to write about yourself, write about your grandfather, grandmother, or both (but include which is the descendant); or any other living or non-living relative of the family. It’s nice to include pictures.


Another part of the newsletter that is lacking is reports by family members of births, weddings, deaths, military service, college/trade/professional school graduations, and honors earned. To have a good newsletter, everyone in the group has to contribute the news.

Send your stories to

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