The Faces Behind the Names
Park Coordinator, who has been reserving/purchasing our spot in the park for what would have been 49 years this year, often arriving in the wee hours of the morning to save the space. Plus, he brought a truckload of tables and sports equipment. When we get back to gathering in person, let’s give him a handshake and a hand.
[Henry & Elizabeth Matheny Hewitt > J.Andrew Hewitt > Olive Smith > Elsie Warmington > Julie Jones > Mike Layman]
created our Facebook group, HMC Family, in 2016 and it has grown to over 200 members. He made it possible for family anywhere in the world to interact, learn and share our history and our heritage.
treasurer for many years keeping us accountable with his steady reliability, kind spirit, and straight shooting.
[William S. Cooper descendant]
Sadly, Louis just passed on July 8, 2021. We will miss him dearly.
wears many HMC hats, including our first ZOOM technician; managing the family albums; serving as secretary; photographing the Reunions and family historic sites; helping John as a Facebook administrator; and kayak tour of history sites organizer, to mention a few. [Henry & Elizabeth Matheny Hewitt > J.Andrew Hewitt > Olive Smith > Elsie Warmington > Julie Jones > Melissa Jones-Clark Gomez]